Thursday, January 7, 2016

Interview Luthier and Guitarist Phil Dawson

As Promised I've started interviewing Church Guitarists. You probably won't have heard of any of these guys, but that's really the point.
I want to talk to the average Church Guitarist in the average Australian Church.
I know there are the rock star musician's of the Church world out there but I want these interviews to be relevant to as many as possible. I want to speak to people whom we can all identify with.
Not that there's anything wrong with being a Rock Star Guitarist or high class musician.
I just that "most of us are the like the rest of us". Just trying to do life day to day and still give God our worship with our instrument of choice.
The first Church Guitarist I interviewed was Phil Dawson, who belongs to Central Life Church in North Wyong of the Central Coast of Australia. Phil is without doubt a master craftsman and Luthier (Guitar Maker).
I've added some photo's of some of Phils guitars here as well for you to see. All of Phils Guitars are made from Australian Timbers, they are beautifully handcrafted instruments. Phils attention to detail is astonishing. One of my goals for the future is to own a Dawson handcrafted guitar. Heres the Interview and the pictures. Enjoy.
Weissenborn Lap Steel
Weissenborn Lap Steel
Dawson - Acoustic - All Australian timbers
Dawson - Acoustic - All Australian timbers
Dawson - Telecaster Electric - Australian Timbers
Dawson - Telecaster Electric - Australian Timbers
Dawson - Electric Bass - Australian Timbers
Dawson - Electric Bass - Australian Timbers
KA: Thanks Phil for giving me your time today and allowing me to interview you.
Phil: Not a problem.
KA: So Phil what do you get out of being a Church Guitarist?
Phil: My personal way of connecting with God in Worship through putting my hands on the guitar and strings.
KA: Do you have a personal preference or style of Music?
Phil: My personal preference is Soul Music but there's not a lot of Soul music as a style contained in Church Worship music. But I'm happy to say that I still love Church Worship music, even though I don't get a chance to play the style of stuff that is probably the roots of my style of guitar. I'm really happy to adapt what I like to play to Church worship music. I could sum it up in one sentence that Probably my life revolves around Church music and instruments used for worship.
KA: So you also make instruments? Phil: Yes
KA: What kind of guitar's do you make?
Phil: Mostly electric guitars but also weissenborn (lap slide guitar) and the odd acoustic, weissenborn's are Hawaiian lap steels. Manly solid bodied Telecasters, Stratocasters.
KA: Do you find the making of Guitars part of your worship, to create an instrument?
Phil: Oh yeah Definitely, definitely I see worship as a lifestyle so my whole lifestyle revolves around using the gifts and also responding to that in worship through playing guitar.
Ka: Do you have a practice regime?
Phil: Yep, 6:00am to 6:30am every morning for at least 30 minutes sometimes longer than that and if its a new song I might spend 20 hours working on that new song at least sometimes 30 hours. If I'm not happy with that I'll record that and listen to it back and change the style of what I play to suit our band.
KA: Do you have a set routine you use?
Phil: Not really, most weeks if I get the worship set then I guess my routine is if I get the worship songs early enough then I'll start early in the week practising those ready for the next sunday. If it's a difficult thing or something I don't feel confident with I might spend the whole week practising that one song
KA: Now you've been a guitarist in Secular bands? and your a guitarist in Church bands? Phil: Yes
KA: Is there anything you've found to be different?
Phil: Yes definitely, the thing is with a secular band you might have a set of 30 songs that you play pretty well continually and you get used to those 30 songs. In a Church worship situation you might have 60 songs or more and only play some of those songs every month or two months, so it's really hard to get to know that song if it only cycles around every two months. You need to devote that time to take notes or remember how you played it or a reference to something so that you can go back and listen to it and play it later. Because I believe that electric guitarists is almost like a horn section in a band they have a part to play and rather than just noodle around all the time I think you should learn certain parts that work with that song and enhance the worship and play those parts rather than just improvise all the time, there's always plenty of time to improvise.
KA: I love that, for me I'm always listening for those key elements that you put into a song, and I wait for them.
Phil: Yeah well there like hooks within a song. When people hear you know a guitar intro that has a set theme or specific note they immediately go "Oh it's that song". So it introduces a song, you know it's just like a drum fill ends one phrase in the song and begins another phrase. Music is made up of these little expressions or phrases so I think that it's important for a Church Guitarist to know these phrases and play them in a way that fits it doesn't have to stand out, like super loud or anything as long as it fits within the context of that song.
KA: So If you could give one piece of advice to a budding or new Church Guitarist what would that advice be?
Phil: My Advice and the advice to myself every time I play is "do a lot of listening and make sure you play something that fits and the other advice is don't overplay there are some songs where you won't play much at all, might be just a little theme you play here and there and learn how to unpack a song become an arranger in your own head, and I would always say Learn to listen outside of your body as if you are in the audience and recording yourself makes that possible because often people don't realise what they are playing".
KA: Well thank you very much Phil
Phil: No worries my pleasure.
Something special here is a couple of guitar licks PHIL Dawson style enjoy.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Where have I been? Building my own

It's been a while since I've been on the blog. However I haven't been idle.

The past 8 -10 months I've been building my own guitar, with the help of Strato Anagnostis from the Australian Guitar school in Toronto Newcastle Australia. Now let me say I had next to no skills when I started, the closest thing to wood working I have done was a 'spice rack' when I was in high school. So this exercise has been quite daunting from my perspective.

I'll add some picies later from the pc. The iPad won't let me upload them.So I made a Kikade om I believe, mostly following his book on building an acoustic guitar.

I'll add more later

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Learning to Lead...

It's been a while since I put something up on this site, I've been hard at work trying to learn more guitar since posting originally.

We don't have a lead player at Church so guess what I'm it, "Oh Lord help us". I've had a go at lead so many times over the past 30 years and each time I've, well just given up. It just takes so long to learn the theory behind lead.

I love watching a great lead guitarist do his/her thing, but I'm no way in that league. But I will give it my best shot, at this point. Who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks. I've even gone out and splurged on a 'Progressive Learn Lead' book, I must admit most of it is stuff I have learned before and I find myself relearning it again.

Lead to me seems to be an entirely different beast than playing rhythm, which I've played relatively successfully. At one point about 5 years ago I went and found myself a lead guitar teacher, he was  a young guy which was fine, but I found that he spend most of the lesson playing which was great for him, I mean I'd love to get paid to play all day too. In the end I wasn't actually learning anything in the lesson, so I gave it up once again.

At the Moment I'm trying to learn 'This Love' planetshakers. I've got the basic beginning riffs down ok in Dropped D (DADGBE), but that lead break towards the end, may take me a year or two. I've not managed to find a descent tab for that part at all.

I found the tab below on Guitar Tabbed by: Corby Eagle (Probably not his real name of course)
which is not too bad, thanks Corey great job.

Tabbed by: Corban/Th@t_Aussi3_K1d

Tuning: Drop D


This part isn't the right timing, they are just the chords.

lead intro keeps playing

Pre-Chorus(there is no one like you)

make sure there is no delay and the notes are really sharp

Repeat in Order:Intro,Verse 2,Pre-Chorus,Chorus
Verse 3





Chorus 1
not as loud as normal chorus

Chorus 2


Same as intro, end on D

/ slide up
\ slide down
h hammer-on
p pull-off
~ vibrato
+ harmonic
x Mute note
b Bend
pb Pre-bend
br Bend release
pbr Pre-bend release
brb Bend release bend

Thanks to Corey and God blessings to all.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Making a New Start on Guitar

I loved that ad on television where they say "It won't happen overnight, but it will happen". Ever since I can remember I've wanted to play the guitar with flair and skill, but I find that after 30 years of playing I'm still only at the beginner level. I have a young friend of mine that started playing 2 years ago and he has already surpassed me in knowledge and ability.

Not that I'm envious or anything like that but it has certainly inspired me to learn more, about my favourite instrument, so I thought I might blog my journey with the guitar and see if it might help others in the same boat.

I've been playing on and off over 30 years, got my first guitar when I was seven and played the 3 chords C, G, and D that my Dad knew for 9 years, until I could afford to get lessons myself. I thought that learning classical guitar first might be the ticket, but in the end although I still do love the sound of classical guitar it wasn't the style of guitar I was looking to play.

I played around with Australian Country music for a while because my family and relatives liked that, so I learned some old Slim Dusty tunes etc. Again I appreciate the style of music but it still wasn't my thing. I probably spent too long with this basic style of playing until I became a Christian back in 1987 when I started playing those old 'Songs of Praise' tunes, these had a little more of a rock beat (I say that tongue in cheek). At the time it was about the most Rock 'n' Roll that I knew and I still have a soft spot in my heart for those old tunes.

I then joined a church that had a far more contemporary music style, again a little more on the Rock side, this is what I liked. You can't beat that old rock 'n' Roll. I played in these bands whatever was necessary at the time, I learnt how to play the bass for example because that's what was needed at the time, but my guitar playing never really improved.

Since then I've played all those 'Hillsong' favourites, the easy one's anyway. My playing is a little better, but I have so much to learn and so far to go that some days I think I will never get to where I want to be with the guitar. "But if I aim for the stars I might hit the moon".

Guitar playing in Church's is not what it used to be, it is so much better. Some of the lead riffs and chord progressions that are being played these days by the likes of Hillsong and PlanetShakers are incredibly technically challenging, certainly not for the faint of heart.

When I was very young I thought that if I could play 'Johnny B. Good' perfectly I would have made it as a guitarist. I still can only play about the first half of the guitar solo of 'Johnny B. Good' with any kind of resemblance of the original. I know see that the sky is the limit and I am the only person holding me back. I remember 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13'.

I want to play so much better so my challenge is to increase my skills, knowledge and technical ability. I may never be a Tommy Emmanuel , Jimi Hendrix, B.B King, Eric Clapton, Chuck Berry, Carlos Santana or the like, but I hope to become the best Keith Alchin Christian guitar player I can be, in my chosen style of Music which I hope will bring a smile to the face of those who hear me and of course my Lord and Saviour Jesus.
So join with me, on this endeavour of mine to learn guitar in and for Church. 'It won't happen over night, but it will happen'.

This Love - PlanetShakers Solo the only decent guitar solo I have found on YouTube for this love.
/* Where I have put my Amazon Link */